PETROPERÚ trains contractors of the North Peruvian Pipeline in social management

In order to strengthen the relationship with the communities close to the North Peruvian Pipeline - ONP, PETROPERÚ has been implementing actions that contribute to maintaining a harmonious coexistence with its inhabitants, in a climate of trust and mutual cooperation to face the COVID-19 pandemic.
Along these lines, the training workshop "Community Relations Guidelines in the COVID-19 context" was held, which had the participation of community relations members, administrative and operational personnel and managers of 11 PETROPERÚ contractor companies, in charge of the services of maintenance, engineering and integrity of the ONP.
The training was in charge of the East Social Management Department Management and was developed in four modules. In the first of them, the importance of guidelines in community relations was highlighted, which help to improve and strengthen relations between communities, contractors and PETROPERÚ.
During the virtual sessions, guidelines were also provided for an adequate management of local suppliers and to ensure optimal control in the supply chain, even involving subcontractors. The management of local employment and current labor regulations were also addressed, in order to organize and improve employment opportunities for local residents, in a way that is culturally appropriate and in accordance with PETROPERÚ's Social Management Policy.
The representatives of the contracting companies that participated in this training were also able to learn about PETROPERÚ's complaints and claims system, through which the concerns of the population, contractor workers, local suppliers, organizations have been addressed in a timely, adequate and efficient manner. social organizations and local authorities in the areas close to their operations.
As part of its social commitment, PETROPERÚ has a key role in the areas of influence of its operations, where it has developed various actions in support of the fight against COVID-19. In the town of Saramiriza, province of Datem del Marañón, a medicinal oxygen plant has been installed that has been attending to the health needs of the native communities near the ONP, among many other actions.