Petroperú supports concert season at MUNA

Petroperú, as on previous occasions, once again supports the concert season of the National Cast of Peru, at the National Museum of Peru (MUNA), counting this year with the outstanding participation of the National Symphony Orchestra, the National Children's Choir and the National Ballet. This seeks to spread the various artistic expressions of our country, for the benefit of the community in general, especially the residents of Villa El Salvador, Lurín and Pachacamac.
The first of the days started last weekend, with the presentation of the members of the National Symphony Orchestra in an educational concert in which various pieces were shared with the public, from the classical repertoire of European music, going through the best of Peruvian music.
Soon, the National Children's Choir will do the same, in days to be held in July and September. The National Ballet will also offer didactic classes, free of charge, to primary and secondary students. Admission is free from 10:45.
The registration links will be disseminated through the social networks of the National Museum of Peru, the participating artistic groups and Petroperú.
This cultural program also promotes the visit of schoolchildren and teachers from the areas surrounding the Conchán Refinery. At the same time, the state oil company will coordinate guided visits by schoolchildren from Villa El Salvador, Lurín and Pachacamac.
Currently, Petroperú -in coordination with the Ministry of Culture- presents two history and science exhibitions at the MUNA. The samples, “Huauqe. Symbols of power in ancient Peru” and “Stone Oil. The energy of time”, are available to the general public and have guides who are in charge of carrying out the respective visits.
The two exhibitions are open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the MUNA (At about km 31 of the old Panamericana Sur, Lurín). Admission is free, prior reservation at