PETROPERU supports cleanup in amazon river riberas

Approximately 40 workers of PETROPERU, led by Eng Óscar Vera Gargurevich, Sub Manager of Refining Selva, participated in the cleaning of the banks of the Nanay River. In this way, the state oil company joined the "Reto Riberas" (Ribera Challenge) campaign, organized by the office of the National Water Authority (ANA) in Iquitos.
More than 25 institutions allied strategically in this task whose main objective is to sensitize the population to promote the care of water and the environment.
In the activity, carried out in the Port of Bellavista, the personnel of PETROPERU joined forces with representatives of public and private institutions, NGOs, members of the Armed Forces, Universities and other institutions.
More than 225 people, during a 2-hour day, managed to collect 3.5 tons of solid waste, the same ones that were taken for final disposal in a safe area.
This action, which compromises the joint effort of many sectors for an environmental cause, must be replicated to strengthen the objective of achieving healthy ports, generating actions that are friendly to the environment. In this way, PETROPERU ratifies its commitment to defense, preservation and environmental protection.