
PETROPERU supports anemia anemia screening and control campaign in Junin

PETROPERU supports anemia anemia screening and control campaign in Junin

Committed to the care of the health and safety of the population, PETROPERU, as part of its social responsibility activities, carried out an anemia of screening and control  campaign, as well as a road safety campaign in the community of Suitucancha, in the Junín region.

The medical campaign aimed at children under 5 years of age and expectant mothers benefited more than 100 residents of the aforementioned community, located in the province of Yauli, who received specialized medical care and were analyzed for the anemia screening.

In addition, a Road Safety campaign was carried out in the Educational Institution N ° 31164 of Suitucancha, with the participation of more than 90 children of the primary level, through which respect and compliance with traffic regulations is promoted.

This initiative confirms PETROPERU's commitment to the welfare of the population. Anemia is considered one of the main public health problems of our country, which mainly affects early childhood. In this line, the company will continue supporting the actions of the State in health and education, in benefit of the communities located in its area of influence.
