
PETROPERÚ successfully carried out the "Mujeres en Acción" project

The project seeks the entrepreneurial reactivation of businesses led by Talara women during the COVID 19 pandemic.
PETROPERÚ successfully carried out the "Mujeres en Acción" project

Eleven women entrepreneurs from Talara were benefited with the “Mujeres en Acción” (Women in Action) project, developed by PETROPERU with the aim of empowering women from Talara by strengthening their capacities, allowing them to increase their competitiveness in the market and generate economic income in their homes. .

Through a virtual closing ceremony, PETROPERU announced the eleven projects that received advice and training during the State of Emergency decreed by the National Government, due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. The support included business management, coaching, brand development, among others.

In this regard, the Manager of Social Management of PETROPERU, Beatriz Alva Hart, congratulated the participants and highlighted that, despite the Sanitary Emergency, they continued with their endeavors and that is a sign of strength and perseverance to continue growing for them and for your families.

For his part, the Manager of the Western Social Management Department, Tomás Flores Noriega, highlighted the empowerment of the eleven women from Talara who now contribute to the support of their homes, also thanked Aprenda, a company that, commissioned by PETROPERU, led the project leading these women to achieve their goals.

During the ceremony, the beneficiaries thanked PETROPERU for the support provided and urged the women to fight to get ahead and not be defeated by adversity. They also commented that they supported and designed their business project, formalizing their ventures with a seed capital delivered by PETROPERU, valued at three thousand soles.

It should be noted that "Mujeres en Acción" was born in 2017 with the training of more than two hundred women from Talara in technical-productive workshops. In this way, PETROPERU ratifies its commitment to the Talara population and supports the entrepreneurial reactivation of businesses led by women, framed in the Local Development Support program of the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project.