Petroperú successfully carried out industrial emergency drills in Talara

The active participation of residents and local authorities was essential during the two industrial emergency drills - of the highest level - that Petroperú carried out in Talara, with the purpose of promoting and fostering a culture of preparation and prevention against possible adverse events seeking to protect life. and the well-being of the population located in the area of influence of the New Talara Refinery.
These activities are part of the “Preventing Together” program, allowing residents to identify alerts, meeting points and evacuation routes in the face of scenarios such as fires and explosions that exceed the limits of the industrial area of the refinery complex.
With these exercises, Petroperú was able to verify the effectiveness of the drills, since the proper protocols and procedures were applied, strengthening the coordination mechanisms between the company and the population, in the event of an emergency.
These drills - which had their concentration points in the Plazuela El Pescador; the San Judas Tadeo sports complex; Plaza Grau, Niño Héroe park, the oval on Av. B and Los Vencedores park - complement the training that is being carried out so that residents know how to act before, during and after a possible industrial emergency and strengthen culture preventive through the formation of emergency brigades.
Petroperú reiterates its commitment to maintaining permanent communication with the population about the operation of the NRT through the official channels of the company and the Office of Information and Citizen Participation: website:, fanpage: OIPC Informa and through the telephone hotlines: (073) 381-607 and 919-283-051.