
PETROPERU starts v entepreneurship fair Women in Action

Expo and sale of products will be held at Plaza Grau of Talara until Saturday June 2.
PETROPERU starts v entepreneurship fair Women in Action

PETROPERU opened the V edition of the Entepreneurship Fair: Women in Action, in which the women of Talara who were trained in 2017 in the different productive workshops taught by the National Service of Training in Industrial Work (Senati) under request of the state-owned company are participating with great enthusiasm.

Under the slogan "I have the energy of entrepreneurship", trained women will present and sell the products that have been worked on taking into account what they have learned. They come offering handicrafts made with marine materials, clothes and crochet accessories, fantasy jewelry, as well as delicious typical dishes.

The public can visit the fair that is being held in Plaza Grau of Talara until Saturday, June 2, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Admission is free.

Promoting its development

As we recall, in 2017, PETROPERU began the training of 80 women from Talamanca in the productive workshops of gastronomy, marine crafts, jewelry and crochet, in order to generate their own income that contributes to the economy of their homes.

This year, the women trained in 2017 will be called to follow courses and trainings that will allow them to set up a microbusiness, which will be accompanied by a 'seed capital', that is, economic resources to start a business of their own.

Also, as part of PETROPERU's social responsibility program, 140 women from Talamanca will soon begin a productive technical training in the courses of cooking aid, baking and pastry, textile printing, crafts, cosmetology, crochet and marine crafts.

The program will last one year, in which they will be trained in the aforementioned courses, as well as in the creation and formalization of micro and small businesses (MSEs) that generate contributions to the family income.

The training will be in charge of specialized personnel from Senati and will be monitored by PETROPERU, who is committed to the women of Talara and trusts their skills and talents to succeed.

