PETROPERU sponsored marinera competition in Talara

For the first time, PETROPERU was present at the I Selective Marinera Competition Talara 2019, organized by the Club Libertad de Trujillo and that had the participation of more than a hundred enthusiastic couples from Talara, Tumbes, Sullana and Piura, among other cities of the country.
It should be noted that this competition, held at the Coliseum of the Villa of the Peruvian Airforce, is a qualifier for the next Marinera World Competition, to be held in Trujillo next year.
Selective competitions are held throughout the year in different parts of the country and abroad, with Talara being chosen -for the first time- as one of its venues. In this Peruvian festival, 10 couples were awarded in the categories Pre-Infants, Infants, Children, Novel A, Novel B, Juvenile, Junior, Adults, Senior and Master.
This way, PETROPERU shows the value and communicates our culture through its different expressions and affirms the commitment assumed with our country to enhance the importance of the marinera, valuable cultural heritage of Peru.