PETROPERÚ’s vehicular diesel price complies with current regulations

PETROPERÚ addresses the public opinion to make clarifications regarding its prices for Vehicle Diesel:
- So far this year, the geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the imbalance between global fuel supply and demand have increased international gasoline prices by up to 75% and the international price of Diesel by 77%.
Increase in international fuel prices on the Gulf Coast of the United States
Variación %
Premium Gasoline 9.53 16.72 7.19 75% Regular Gasoline 9.20 14.60 5.40 59% Diesel 9.32 16.54 7.72 77% In Soles/Gallon
Source: S&P Global Platts, 2022
- In the case of Vehicular Diesel, PETROPERÚ's list prices at its Supply Plants at the national level have been adapted to the provisions of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) regarding the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund (FEPC), transferring the effects of this regulation to their selling prices. The FEPC has allowed that the increase in the international price of Diesel is not fully reflected in the national price. As can be seen in the following table, the price of the Vehicle Diesel List registers an accumulated increase of 34%, as opposed to the 77% increase at the international level:
Increase in Fuel List Prices in Lima/Callao
Ex Plant Prices without taxes
Variación %
Gasohol 97 11.38 19.73 8.35 73% Gasohol 95 11.28 19.16 7.88 70% Gasohol 90 11.03 17.71 6.68 61% Gasohol 84 * 10.74 11.80 1.06 10% Diesel B5-S-50 UV * 10.06 13.50 3.44 34% -
- Likewise, PETROPERÚ removed the Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) on the sale of Diesel Vehicles immediately, in compliance with D.S. 068-2022-EF, from 04.04.2022.
- It should be noted that the increases registered in the list price for Vehicle Diesel so far this year are due to increases in the price band of the products subject to the FEPC. As can be seen in the following graph, PETROPERÚ has complied with maintaining the price of Vehicle Diesel at the upper limit of the price band:
Evolution of PETROPERÚ List Price for Vehicle Diesel in Supply Plants (without taxes)
Self prepared.
It should be noted that PETROPERÚ has no influence on the setting of fuel prices towards the final consumer, since the prices are free and are set by the service stations.