PETROPERÚ's leadership is recognized in the implementation of a new franchise model

The new franchise model that PETROPERÚ has been implementing in the network of service stations nationwide, as part of its new business strategy, has been recognized by the international consulting company GNF Worldwide, which has commemorated its tenth anniversary, rewarding leaders of the outstanding initiatives in the development of franchises at a global level.
After evaluating the nominees of the first edition of the “Los Grandes” Award, the qualifying jury considered the General Manager of PETROPERÚ, Carlos Barrientos Gonzales, as the winner of the “El Visionario” category, for having successfully led the evolution process of the chain of Service Stations of PETROPERÚ, under a new franchise model.
In their choice, the jury considered important the process that the state company has been developing for the implementation of management standards, indicators, protocols and procedures to improve service levels that have been giving more value to the proposal of the PETROPERÚ brand, in the fuel market in the country.
Carlos Barrientos explained that PETROPERÚ's objective is to consolidate its presence in this competitive service station retail market, always providing the best products, with a good level of service and at the right price. "Our challenge is to make PETROPERÚ the most important Country Brand franchise in Peru," he said.
"PETROPERÚ is a strategic company that is going through a very important stage of evolution and we will continue on that path to guarantee its sustainability and the supply of energy throughout the country," he said after thanking for the award.
The jury was made up of the members of the Spanish Association of Franchisors of the United States Department of Commerce and other international entities related to the franchise sector, who also awarded the CEOs of the companies FASTSIGNS ®, Juan Valdez Café, Atrevia and Portobello Capital.