PETROPERU rewards winners of the story and essay competitions in Talara

The students Irene Santiago Cruz and Fatima Nicole by Gabriel Elí-Adrianzén Franco were awarded for having taken first place in the I Story Contest "Building Stories" and III Literary Essay Contest: "The PMRT and its contribution to local development", respectively, organized by PETROPERÚ and in which about one hundred students from the oil province participated.
The student of the Educational Institution 15508 "Domingo Savio", Irene Santiago Cruz, took first place in the I Story Contest "Building Stories", with the story " El lirio que me regalaron". The second place was obtained by the student of the Private Educational Institution Federico Villarreal, Diego Martín Medina Silupú, with the story “La hija del coronel”. Both students, along with their advisory teachers and their principals were rewarded for this important achievement.
In the Literary Essay Contest the first place was obtained by Fatima Nicole by Gabriel Elí-Adrianzén Franco, a student of the Santa Rosa de Lima Parish Educational Institution, with the essay entitled: “The new Talara Refinery: the start of a social compensation and economic of a province”. The second place went to the student Alexia Zapata Montero of the María de Fátima school, who was also awarded for her work “Ciudad del oro negro: refinando nuestro país”.
During the ceremony, held at the PETROPERU facilities, the finalist students of both competitions were also recognized. In Tale the students were finalists: Melany Herrera Villarruel, Abrahan Céspedes Diez, Brissa Antonella Sullón Valdivieso and Allison Cristina Carrillo Leyth. In literary essay the finalists were Gabriela de Lourdes Moreno Talledo, Christian Daniel Fernández Mogollón and Ana Paula Bustos Vargas.

Ing. Jorge Alméstar
Gerente Refinería Talara
At the end of the award, the Director of the Unit of Local Educational Management - UGEL Talara, Carmelita Abad Meca, welcomed the massive participation of the students in these competitions that PETROPERU performs in the oil city and that contribute to the training of secondary level students, who could be part of a new generation of young writers.
For his part, Mr. Jorge Alméstar, Manager Talara Refinery, congratulated each of the winners and finalists of both competitions, urging them to continue cultivating their talent, developing creativity in the preparation of unpublished stories, as well as conducting research on the local reality that contribute to the development of the city, the region and the country.
The qualifying jury
The jury for the First Story Contest was composed of the Doctor of Hispanic American Literature and prominent Peruvian narrator, Jorge Valenzuela and Pierre Castro, winner of the Cope de Plata Award for his story "El Río". The evaluation of the works of the III Literary Essay Contest was carried out by Agustín Prado, a professor in the Literary Department of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos; the professor and researcher of the Federico Villarreal University, Dimas Arrieta and Carlos Del Águila Roldán, head of the PETROPERU Cultural Management Unit.
The competitions were held in line with the PETROPERU Cultural Management Policy and the Local Development Support Program of the Community Relations Plan (PRC) of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), with the objective to promote reading, encourage literary creation from an early age and motivate the school population to investigate the social benefits, impacts and contribution to local development of the PMRT.