PETROPERÚ requires compliance with the contingency plan at Km 184 of the Pipeline

In compliance with its Social Management Policy, PETROPERÚ has always shown good disposition and respect towards the neighboring communities of its facilities, for which its community relations actions include informing the population about the work carried out in the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP).
As reported by PETROPERÚ, on May 3 of this year, the fifth intentional cut made in the ONP pipeline during 2022 was verified, the same one that was identified at km 184 of Section I. This cut caused a leak of crude oil that Although it was contained in the flotation/containment channel, it puts at risk not only the health of the inhabitants, but also the environment.
In this context, PETROPERÚ has been coordinating with the residents of the town of Mojarayacu, in the Barranca district, Datem del Marañón province in the Loreto region, the entry of a specialized team to continue with the definitive repair work on the pipeline, the of containment and recovery of the spilled hydrocarbons, the initial cleaning of the area and the subsequent work of major cleaning and environmental remediation of the impacted area, entry that has not been allowed. Even though the crude oil leak was contained on May 4 with the installation of a temporary metal clamp on the pipe as part of its initial repair, it is necessary to carry out permanent work, which to date has not been possible to initiate due to the refusal of the population.
In all these events, in compliance with the Contingency Plan approved by the corresponding authority and following the best practices of the industry, response measures are carried out to attend to these emergencies, with operational, social and environmental actions, which are necessary. be able to continue. Likewise, the supervisory bodies such as OEFA and OSINERGMIN have been informed within the legal deadlines.
Tax supervision
For its part, the Specialized Prosecutor for Environmental Matters (FEMA) of Iquitos, verified the damage to the pipeline due to intentional cutting during the fiscal inspection carried out on May 7 at km 184 of the ONP, "It was possible to appreciate the damage to the structure of the duct of approximately 16 centimeters, of which approximately 4 centimeters crossed the wall of the duct”, indicates the fiscal document.
PETROPERÚ welcomes the presence of the Prosecutor's Office and the participation of the supervisory and auditing bodies, and hopes that the investigations into these provoked events will continue and conclude with the identification and punishment of those responsible, in order to guarantee the safe, sustained operation and sustainable transport of hydrocarbons through the ONP that values the oil of the Amazon. Likewise, it urges the neighboring communities to the point of contingency to allow the entry of specialized teams, in order not to continue delaying the processes of definitive repair, containment and recovery of hydrocarbons, cleaning of the place, and environmental remediation of the site, situation of impediment that exposes the inhabitants and the natural environment to unnecessary and punishable risks.