PETROPERÚ requests the investigation into excess consultancies carried out over the last three years

Within the framework of its policy of transparency and the fight against corruption, PETROPERÚ has requested the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, through its Office of Institutional Control, to investigate 371 consultancies and advisory services hired between 2018 and June 2021, which as a whole add up to a value of S/. 94'281,493.93.
The objective of this request is to verify the need and relevance of these services, as well as their correct selection process, which will allow to implement improvements in the management of the company's contracts, and establish the corresponding responsibilities, if applicable.
It is important to highlight the large number of consultancies that were executed during 2020, a critical year for companies in the hydrocarbon sector due to the effects of COVID-19, a situation that undoubtedly contributed to the negative results obtained by the state company in that year.
The contracts cover a wide range of legal, environmental and technical issues, among others. The complete and detailed list of these services can be reviewed on our website:
List of consultancies and advisory services hired between 2018 and June 2021
It should be noted that the current administration carried out an optimization of the expenses budget that meant a saving of close to 600 million soles in 2021. This is accompanied by the new commercial strategy that allows it to continue increasing its participation in the national hydrocarbon market. All this has an impact on its results, which as of November show a notable improvement in contrast to what was projected at the beginning of 2021, such as the increase in EBITDA by 312% and operating profit by 349% compared to 2020.