PETROPERÚ reports on variation in the price of bottled gas

In application of Supreme Decree No. 023-2021-EM of 09.06.2021, which includes bottled LPG within the scope of the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund mechanism and Resolution No. 089-2021-OS/GRT of 11.26.2021 of OSINERGMIN that modifies and increases the limits of the Price Band by 0.42 Soles/Kg, PETROPERÚ carried out the following actions:
- In Callao, given that PLUSPETROL (our LPG supplier in said plant) increased its primary sale price of bottled LPG by 0.42 Soles/Kg, PETROPERÚ had to transfer said variation and increase the list price from 2.75 Soles/Kg to 3.17 Soles/Kg, without considering taxes.
- In Talara, the primary sale price of bottled LPG increased from 2.74 Soles/Kg to 3.16 Soles/Kg, without considering taxes.
PETROPERÚ clarifies that the increases made to the list prices of bottled LPG have been made in strict compliance with the regulations associated with the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund.