
PETROPERÚ reports on the Talara Modular Hospital and the construction of the New Talara Refinery

PETROPERÚ reports on the Talara Modular Hospital and the construction of the New Talara Refinery

Regarding the events that occurred recently in the city of Talara, PETROPERÚ addresses the public opinion to report the following:

- We regret the events that occurred at ESSALUD's Talara Hospital de Apoyo II and sympathize with the families of the patients who lost their lives on Friday, April 9, 2021. We also request the competent authorities to carry out the corresponding investigations.

- The Talara Modular Hospital, donated by PETROPERÚ, was delivered fully equipped to ESSALUD at the end of November last year and began operations in mid-December. It has 30 hospital beds and 15 ICU beds, all operational and to date it has provided more than 6 thousand services to COVID-19 patients.

- The oxygen supply is carried out by an isotank that is the responsibility of ESSALUD, an institution that after giving the agreement and receiving the donation from the Talara Modular Hospital, assumed the provision of professional and technical personnel, as well as the supplies and medicines for the treatment of COVID-19, guaranteeing its operation.

- PETROPERÚ has demonstrated its active and constant solidarity in the fight against COVID-19 in the province of Talara and in the Piura region. Last year, we added efforts in favor of the Health Center of the Minsa to which we delivered an ambulance, 5 thousand discard tests, 25,000 biosafety implements and food for the medical and assistance personnel of this establishment, which has also been contributing to the fight against the coronavirus. We support the vulnerable sectors with 2,000 food baskets and the Peruvian Air Force with the loan of two vans for patrolling in the city.

- The state company reaffirms its commitment to the population of Talara, where the Talara Modular Hospital has been a key element in facing this second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that greatly affects the entire country. Likewise, it urges the population not to lower their guard, maintaining biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, such as the correct use of a mask, social distancing and frequent hand washing.

New Talara Refinery

Given the inaccurate information that has been spreading, PETROPERÚ addresses public opinion to specify the following:

- The construction work of the new Talara Refinery, which continues with an overall progress of 94.25%, is carried out in strict compliance with the protocols approved and established in the surveillance, prevention and control plans of COVID-19 for this project, the which are aligned with Ministerial Resolution RM-972-2020-MINSA.

- The more than six thousand workers currently working on this project are under permanent medical surveillance, a task that is in charge of 190 people who make up PETROPERÚ's health teams, contractors and subcontractors.

- Health personnel are responsible for isolating suspected or confirmed cases, as well as for carrying out the respective epidemiological fence and entering the worker's information for daily monitoring and control. All positive cases are notified through the SICOVID-19 and the application of the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Diseases.

- All workers who enter to work in the execution of this project previously go through a COVID-19 discard and are required to submit a health affidavit. In access control, all workers go through temperature control through thermal cameras and the hand disinfection point. The surveillance personnel verify that all workers use the mask, face shield and safety glasses correctly. To avoid crowds in the access areas to the Talara Refinery facilities, joint actions are carried out with the National Police and the Serenazgo.

- On site, all workers are obliged to follow the protocols established in work areas that go through constant cleaning and disinfection processes. Likewise, a permanent awareness campaign is carried out so that all workers maintain biosafety protocols until they reach their homes.