PETROPERU reports on pending payments of the PMRT subcontractor

PETROPERU met today with representatives of the workers of the company MONSA, a subcontractor of Graña y Montero (GyM), which operates for the Talara Refinery Modernization Project; in order to see to the demands related to the non-payment of salaries by the MONSA Company.
Eng. Jorge Almestar Mauricio, manager of Refinacion Talara, lead the meeting, in which representatives of the Civil Construction Union, of Tecnicas Reunidas (TR) –primary contractor for the project-, of GyM and of the Monsa Company took part, in order to generate agreements favorable for the affected workers.
After the meeting, GyM assumed the commitment of making the payments that corresponded to its subcontractor MONSA, and this in turn, to the entirety of their workers before the end of the week. In addition, it indicated that they would not apply discounts for the days not worked until January 2. However, the company requested that the workers return to their work starting today, so their wages are not affected.
PETROPERU will carry out daily follow-up meetings to ensure the strict compliance to the commitments made by all the parts involved. Also, it will continue and intensify its preventive control actions and coordinate with the contractor and subcontractor in order to prevent such events as those which took place from happening again.
In this way, PETROPERU reaffirms its commitment of guaranteeing the compliance of the labor obligations of the workers of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project. We will continue to report.