Petroperú reports on distribution of tax profits

Regarding the journalistic versions about the distribution of profits to its workers, Petroperú specifies the following:
- There is a difference between accounting profit/loss and tax profit/loss, since the additions and deductions required by the Income Tax Law must be applied to the latter.
- Within this framework, for the year 2022, Petroperú has registered tax profit, from which an income tax of 28 million soles was determined, information that has been presented to the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT), in the 2022 Income Tax Affidavit, on April 5, 2023.
- In compliance with current regulations, companies are obliged to distribute profits to workers when there is a tax profit, within the terms indicated in the regulation. In this sense, Petroperú has made an advance of the distribution of profits to its workers, taking into account that the maximum term for its payment is within 30 days after the presentation of the Affidavit of income tax.
- Likewise, it is necessary to point out that the financial support granted by the State to Petroperú, through emergency decrees No. 010-2022 and 023-2022, have had the sole purpose of guaranteeing the supply of fuel at the national level and maintaining continuity of operations as a strategic actor in the value chain of the hydrocarbons sector. Information on the use of the resources indicated in the aforementioned regulations is published on the Petroperú website.
- As has been opportunely reported, Petroperú has been developing actions to continue strengthening its financial and operational sustainability. Along these lines, the restructuring plan is being developed by the Arthur D. Little company in consortium with Columbus; likewise, the full operation of the New Talara Refinery will improve the profitability of the company.