Petroperú reinforces the learnings of students in the Amazon thanks to the Jinkay project

The Jinkay educational project, promoted by Petroperú, began its new 2024 school year to benefit the students of the Fernando Rosas, Arutam, Nueva Musa Kandashi and Nazareth native communities, located in the district of Morona, Datem del Marañón province, Loreto region, close to the North Peruvian Pipeline facilities.
Jinkay is a school reinforcement project for primary and secondary school students in mathematics, communication and social personnel courses taught by teachers, in their native language. Additionally, educational workshops on quality, equity, ethics, democracy, environmental awareness and interculturality, among others, are carried out, as indicated in the national curriculum.
Within the framework of the planned activities, computer classes, workshops for parents, home visits, social-emotional sessions and reading promotion will continue. In addition, the involvement of family members and authorities in the education of students is maintained, with the teaching of emotional intelligence classes.
It should be noted that the summer school reinforcement cycle was recently closed with the participation of students, parents and authorities from the Fernando Rosas and Nazareth communities, and two libraries were also implemented with more than 200 books in each, thus seeking to contribute to the learning of the little ones.
In this way, Petroperú continues to develop programs that directly benefit the population of the communities near its operations, as part of its social management policy and the promotion of good relations with the population.