PETROPERÚ reinforces learning processes in jungle communities

The dedication and perseverance of young students from the district of Andoas, in the Loreto region, has succeeded, since three of the participants of the First School Level Program, implemented by PETROPERU, with the support of the Ministry of Education, have achieved pass the demanding exams of the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (PRONABEC), moving on to the second stage of the Scholarship 18 process, which will allow them to finance their studies at the university to which they apply. The expenses involved in pursuing a career, as well as food and accommodation will also be paid by the PRONABEC.
The students who managed to pass the first stage are Yocelyn Yanira Condori Chino, Mary Juliana Ávila Caro and Yasira Milagros Chuquizuta Martínez, who thus become the first three young people of that locality who pass this demanding exam.
It should be noted that PETROPERU, since September 2019, and within the framework of the fulfillment of the commitments made to the 18 communities of the Andoas district, carried out a diagnosis and evaluation of the performance of 150 young people of 4th and 5th secondary school and / or graduates of 2017 o 2018 of the six schools that are located in 18 communities of the said district, having as main result significant achievements in the areas of mathematical and verbal reasoning, essential to apply for State scholarships, such as those offered by PRONABEC.
In this way, working in an articulated manner with other State agencies and with the communities near the North Peruvian Pipeline, PETROPERU has established the basis for a sustainable mechanism so that young students native to Andoas can access higher education, strengthening their relationship with neighboring communities.
By 2020, the development of the leveling program will continue, between the months of August and December, attending to young people who failed to reach a scholarship in 2019. To do this, reinforcement classes in reading comprehension and mathematics will be arranged, for the benefit of more than 150 young people.