Petroperú reinforces learning in students from the jungle

Seeking to improve the learning of children from the native communities of Morona, district of the Datem del Marañón province, in the Loreto region, Petroperú continues to carry out its “Jinkay” program, which will be executed through activities aimed at school leveling in mathematics and communication.
For 18 months, more than 150 primary and secondary students from the Arutam, Fernando Rosas, Nueva Musa Kandashi and Nazareth communities will benefit from this program, which includes the delivery of school supply kits and educational materials.
The “Jinkay” program, which means seed, in the Wampis language, is executed after prior coordination with the apus of these communities; as well as with the parents and teaching staff of the schools involved.
The implementation of this program will be carried out by a company with vast experience in the development of this type of projects and has professionals specialized in teaching and psychology. Reinforcement classes will be given in the afternoon, in classrooms provided by the community.
There will also be workshops that respond to the educational principles of quality, equity, ethics, democracy, environmental awareness and interculturality, among others, as considered in the national curriculum. Parents will be involved in the education of their children through specialized workshops on emotional intelligence.
In this way, Petroperú - in line with its social management policy - develops programs to benefit the communities in the area of influence of its operations, such as the North Peruvian Pipeline.