Petroperú reaffirms its commitment to dialogue with its workers based on efficient and respectful management
- Participatory work teams will be formed to improve the company's work environment.

As part of his agenda, the Chairman of the Board, Alejandro Narváez Liceras, met with representatives of the company's 12 unions, where he reaffirmed his commitment to the development of a labor relationship based on respect for fundamental and social-labor rights, as well as on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its processes.
Within this framework, the company's management has initiated a process of transparent and participatory dialogue with its workers, with the aim of finding definitive solutions to the labor situation generated in recent years in all its operations, through the implementation of substantial improvements in the work environment.
This initiative responds to the need for the development of the company to require the commitment and care of its human capital and that is why, under efficient and effective management, Petroperú seeks to consolidate itself as a benchmark in fair and sustainable labor relations, guaranteeing compliance with the rights of its workers and promoting a safe and motivating work environment.
“The commitment of the Board of Directors that I chair is to improve labor relations, based on constant and efficient dialogue, and respect with each of the workers that make up the company. Together we will achieve sustainable management, which guarantees the operational and financial efficiency of the first company in the country,” said Alejandro Narváez.
In this way, the company reaffirms its willingness to dialogue and build consensus that allows reaching agreements for the benefit of the workers and the sustainability of Petroperú, thus ensuring the strategic role of the company in the country.