PETROPERÚ ratifies its commitment to complete New Ilo Terminal

With the presence of the main authorities of the port of Ilo, including Mayor Gerardo Carpio Díaz, PETROPERÚ participated in a new Dialogue Table in Ilo, where the progress of the agreements made in previous meetings was analyzed.
The event was held in the auditorium of the Provincial Municipality of Ilo, where representatives of civil society, councilors, municipal officials and representatives of the state company participated, led by Tomás Flores Noriega, Manager of the Western Social Management Department.
The official said that in the next few days he will hold a technical meeting with representatives of the municipal council, to see everything related to the restart of the construction of the New Terminal Ilo, which -as is known- has the scope of reception, storage, transfers and dispatch of various fuels.
In this sense, Flores Noriega reaffirmed the commitments assumed by PETROPERÚ within the framework of its social management policy, as well as informing local authorities and the general population of the province of Ilo about the activities it carries out. The location of the video surveillance equipment, acquired at the time by the state company, is part of the agreements reached and its installation seeks to contribute to the public safety of the province of Ilo, especially in the Villa del Mar sector. It should be noted that the mayor of Ilo has already given his authorization to install a control panel to monitor said security cameras in a house in the aforementioned sector.
Likewise, the seminar addressed the installation of the Environmental Monitoring Supervision Committee, for which PETROPERÚ has promised to offer training to the environmental monitoring committee, starting on August 18.
The following day, Thursday 19, representatives of the state company and the municipality will have a technical meeting in which the expansion of the construction license of the new plant, which will operate south of the city of Ilo, will be discussed. an area known as Lomas La Buitrera and that will benefit not only Moquegua but the entire south of the country.
"We, as a company, are the main interested in completing the project, and we have not been holding hands, since the engineering stage has been 100% completed," said the representative of PETROPERÚ and said that his Social Management Plan, For the remainder of the year, it seeks to meet expectations, for the benefit of the Ilean population.
In this way, PETROPERÚ, in a joint effort with the authorities of the region, promotes the reactivation of the local economy with the construction of the New Terminal Ilo, coordinating public and transparent conferences, making known the progress of the work through these Dialogue tables, the next edition of which has been scheduled for Thursday, September 2.