
Petroperú ratifies interest and technical capacity to operate lots in the northwest

Petroperú ratifies interest and technical capacity to operate lots in the northwest

For the president of the Board of Directors, the State company is the most interested in improving oil production levels to supply the New Talara Refinery. 

The president of the Petroperú Board of Directors, Pedro Chira Fernández, confirmed that the company has the technical capacity to assume the operation of lots I, VI and Z-2B in the northwest, whose contracts with its current private operators are about to expire. 

He pointed out that, with the operation of these oil blocks, Petroperú continues its vertical integration process that is part of the strategic objectives for the company's sustainability, guaranteeing the supply of fuel in the country. 

Likewise, in relation to the necessary investments in these lots, he indicated that they will come from the resources generated with the production of these fields, as they are ongoing businesses. “Petroperú is the most interested in improving production levels in the Talara lots, since it needs that input for the New Talara Refinery (NRT), which has already completed the start-up maneuvers of all its units,” he said. 

In a press conference, Chira Fernández recalled that since December 2021, Petroperú has been efficiently operating Lot I, maintaining optimal and sustained production of oil that is supplied directly to the NRT for the production of fuels for the national market. 

At another time, he mentioned that these lots operated by private companies in the last 30 years have been progressively declining their production, to the detriment of the country. In that sense, he mentioned that production was reduced by a third. Likewise, it is stated that, if Petroperú had been the operator of lots I, VI and Z-B2 in the period between 1994 and 2022, it would have saved close to 50% of the budget that it invests to date in the acquisition of that crude oil to process it. in the NRT.


Likewise, he regretted that the companies that have been operating the northwest lots have not carried out adequate maintenance of the facilities, many of which are completely deteriorated, according to a study carried out by a specialized company.

New Talara Refinery in production

Likewise, he reported that the NRT is in the stabilization stage of its process units, after concluding its start-up period, in which nearly 6 million barrels of fuel were produced, including gasoline, diesel, LPG and Turbo. A1 for marketing in the national market.

He specified that due to the high technological level it has, the NRT can process various types of crude oil, domestic and imported, favoring the continuity in fuel production to meet the country's demand.

The full operation of the NRT will increase the refining margin up to five times, but it also provides various economic, social and environmental benefits such as the reduction of imports, job creation, implementation of social programs and production of clean fuels, among others.

Finally, the Chairman of the Board of Directors indicated that the company is in a restructuring process to strengthen its corporate governance and achieve financial sustainability.