PETROPERÚ publishes story compilation for the 40 years of the Copé Award

As part of the celebrations for the four decades of the Copé Prize, PETROPERÚ presented the book “20 Cuentos de Oro. Relatos ganadores en los cuarenta años del Premio Copé (1979-2018)”, at the Lima International Book Fair (FIL Lima 2019), with the participation of the outstanding writers Ricardo González Vigil and Diego Trelles Paz as commentators.
The work includes the comment of the renowned Peruvian writer and Nobel Prize for Literature Mario Vargas Llosa: “The Copé Awards have recognized literary excellence and fostered the efforts of young writers. Being 40 years old is really admirable and all Peruvians should be very happy and congratulate their benefactors. ”
Ricardo González Vigil, member of the qualifying jury in various editions of the Story Biennial, summarizes the character of the award and this book. "To the geographic diversity and of generations (or promotions), it is possible to add the solvency with which the stories anointed by the Copé Gold embody the multiplicity of expressive tendencies of the contemporary Peruvian narrative," he said.
This title brings together the stories «La Muerte del Dr. Octavio Aguilar», by Washington Delgado; «Avenida Oeste», by Julio Ortega; «Cordillera Negra», by Óscar Colchado; «La fuga de Agamenón Castro», by Cronwell Jara; «Cide Hamete Benengeli, coautor del Quijote», by Luis Enrique Tord; «La iniciación suprema de Guacri Caur», by Eduardo Paz Esquerre; «María Nieves», by Luis Nieto Degregori; «Cuando las últimas luces se hayan apagado», by Yuri Vásquez; «Fuego», by Carlos Schwalb; «El derby de los penúltimos», by Fernando Iwasaki; «Lápices», by José de Piérola; «Guitarra de Palisandro», by Gregorio Martínez; «Historia del jabón», by Luis Alfredo Espinoza; «El mestizo de las Alpujarras», by Selenco Vega; «Relámpago inmóvil», by Pedro Ugarte; «Ayaymama», by Daniel Amayo; «Los caminantes de Sonora», by Christ Gutiérrez-Rodríguez; «Patrimonio», by Johann Page; «El cuadro de Marylin», de Santiago Merino y «La piel fría», by Stuart Flores.
The work is being sold at the PETROPERU stand at FIL 2019 for only 20 soles. In addition, visitors can find the latest winning works of the 2018 Copé Award, « 21 relatos sobre la independencia del Perú» (belonging to the new series by the Bicentennial of national independence), collections of complete works César Vallejo, History of Ancient Peru by Luis E. Valcárcel, the Amazonas Ruta Milenaria series, and the latest winning works of the poetry, novel, essay and story of the Copé, among others.