Petroperú provides support for the recovery of Talara

In line with its Social Management policy, Petroperú has been contributing to the cleaning of the main avenues of the city of Talara after the rainfall recorded in recent days, which has caused the accumulation of water, mud and waste on the roads, hindering the vehicular and pedestrian traffic of the population.
In the first days, the works included clearing the canal via, as well as cleaning Avenida G, Avenida F and Óvalo Punta Arenas, where heavy machinery operated by specialized personnel allowed the removal of stagnant water, mud and a large amount of waste.
The activities will continue with the cleaning of the pluvial channel of the city and areas adjacent to it, which in addition to facilitating the evacuation of rainwater in the event of new rainfall, will provide greater fluidity and safety to the transit of the residents.
It should be noted that these actions are executed in coordination with the local authority and have the support of the contractor companies of the state oil company.
Petroperú reiterates its commitment to contribute to the well-being and care of the Talara population and encourages them to work together for the recovery of the province.