Petroperú promotes breastfeeding in Villa El Salvador

As part of the actions for the benefit of early childhood and the health of the population, Petroperú rewarded the mothers who had an outstanding participation in the contest " El bebé mamoncito" (“the breastfeeding baby”) with the delivery of cleaning products and recreational material, by demonstrating that They have been developing positive practices of stimulation and secure attachment with their babies.
The activity, which was organized by the Héroes del Cenepa Health Center, located in Zona Playa of Villa El Salvador (Lima), was carried out in line with the support program for expectant mothers and families with infant-age children carried out by the state company in the area of influence of the Conchán Refinery.
The contest aimed to raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding in the development of the infant during and after the first year, as well as to create a space to exchange parenting experiences among mothers in the area.
With this activity, Petroperú contributes to improving the quality of life of the population close to its operations, as well as to strengthen good relations with the community.