Petroperú presents the winning stories and essays of Copé 2022

The House of Literature was the setting for the presentation of the winning works of the 2022 Copé Award, which Petroperú has promoted uninterruptedly for more than four decades.
The storybook “Días de prueba. Esperando a Paradise y los cuentos ganadores y finalistas de la XXII Bienal de Cuento”, as well as the essay “Un mundo precario. Ensayo sobre la obra y la escritura de Franz Kafka", were the copies presented amid great expectations, as they were attended by the winners of the 2022 Copé Award short story and essay categories, David Orlando Del Águila and Jorge Valenzuela. Commentary was provided by Ricardo González Vigil and Cronwell Jara.
It should be noted that the book “Días de prueba. Esperando a Paradise y los cuentos ganadores y finalistas de la XXII Bienal de Cuento” has a prologue by the researcher Carla Sagástegui and brings together texts by the winning and finalist writers of the literary contest in its twenty-second edition: David Orlando Del Águila, Christian Elguera, Reynaldo Santa Cruz and Gerardo Figueroa, among others.
For its part, the winning essay book of the last Copé competition is authored by the teacher and writer Jorge Valenzuela Garcés and has a prologue by the prominent literary critic Ricardo González Vigil.
From this investigation, the qualifying jury of the contest said that the work adopts the fragmentary character of many essays. "As an open work, the reader is invited to explore various threads of Kafka's work and the richness of it to delve into central issues of the human condition of our time."
The winning works of the 2022 Cope Award are freely available to the public at the Petroperú Virtual Library, in their digital versions:
Likewise, these works -published by Ediciones Copé, of Petroperú- can be purchased, in printed version, in the main bookstores of Metropolitan Lima.
Copé in libraries in the country
Next June, Copé publications will be included in Petroperú's book distribution plan for the implementation of libraries nationwide. Likewise, they will be included in future presentation activities in cities such as Huancayo, Iquitos, Tarapoto, Piura and Arequipa, within the framework of the activities that are part of the cultural policy of the oil company to promote the habit of reading and access to cultural products for the benefit of society in general.