Petroperú presents the winning stories and essays of Copé 2022

Petroperú will present, this Wednesday the 31st, the winning works of the 2022 Copé Award at the House of Peruvian Literature (Jr. Áncash 207, in the Historic Center of Lima), an activity that will include the participation of the winners of the story and essay categories. Admission is free.
The storybook “Días de prueba. Esperando a Paradise y los cuentos ganadores y finalistas de la XXII Bienal de Cuento”, as well as the essay “Un mundo precario. Ensayo sobre la obra y la escritura de Franz Kafka”, will be the copies that will be presented in this cultural activity.
The storybook boasts a prologue by the researcher Carla Sagástegui and brings together texts by the winning writers and finalists of the literary contest in its twenty-second edition, such as David Orlando Del Águila, Christian Elguera, Reynaldo Santa Cruz and Gerardo Figueroa, among others.
For its part, the winning essay book of the last Copé contest is authored by the teacher and writer Jorge Valenzuela Garcés. The prologue is by the prominent literary critic Ricardo González Vigil, who will be in charge of the comments, together with Cronwell Jara, starting at 7:00 pm.
It should be noted that the winning works of the 2022 Copé Award will be freely available to the public at the Petroperú Virtual Library, in its digitized version:
Likewise, these works -published by Ediciones Copé, from Petroperú- can be purchased, in printed version, in the main bookstores of Metropolitan Lima.