PETROPERÚ presents its main strategic projects to the country's academic sector

During the first sessions of the Energy Master Class Conference Cycle, aimed at the academic sectors of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) and the Universidad del Pacífico, the General Manager of PETROPERÚ, Carlos Barrientos Gonzales, explained the strategic role of the company state the hydrocarbons sector, emphasizing its main objective: to supply the market efficiently; operating safely, preserving the environment and generating quality products and services.
“We have the largest supply network in the country with three refineries (Iquitos, Conchán and Talara), the North Peruvian Pipeline, 19 plants and terminals, 10 airport plants (operations that allow serving commercial aviation and the Armed Forces) and 680 service stations under the PETROPERÚ brand at the national level,” he said, specifying that the state-owned company has a 44.30% share in the fuel market.
Barrientos Gonzales was emphatic in maintaining that the state company is self-sustaining. "We do not depend on the national budget, on the contrary, PETROPERÚ generates millions of soles in taxes for the State, making us one of the main contributors to the national treasury, paying for its own investments and projects," he said.
He pointed out that the state company will shortly return to the upstream with the exploitation of Lot 192, located in the northern jungle of the country. "What is sought is to exploit 12 thousand barrels of oil per day (BPD), taking into account that -in that lot- there are 127.3 million barrels of crude oil of proven reserves," said the official, explaining that the same will also be done with Lot 64. "The exploitation of both lots is part of the vertical strategy of the company, which will also have a whole social management strategy, which will have a positive impact on native communities," he added.
New Talara Refinery
Regarding the New Talara Refinery, the official revealed that its construction is close to 95% complete and that, upon entering into operations, it will produce fuels in the Euro IV range, which will contribute to improving the country's air quality and the health of Peruvians.
Barrientos Gonzales pointed out that this work, the most important of its kind in South America, has been done on the basis of bond issuance and self-generation. "There has been no contribution from the national budget in its construction," he said.
It should be noted that through the Energy Master Class Conference Cycle, the state company will continue to make presentations aimed at the academic sectors of the country's universities, with the aim of publicizing its main ongoing projects, as well as exchanging experiences that contribute to the strengthening of the state company and the hydrocarbon sector.