
PETROPERU presents “Amazonas Ruta Milenaria tomo III”

- Readers from Iquitos will be able to complete this valuable literary collection
- The event is part of the celebration for the International Book Day
PETROPERU presents “Amazonas Ruta Milenaria tomo III”

PETROPERÚ will present in Iquitos, this Monday, April 23, the third volume of the work “Amazonas Ruta Milenaria... Un Lugar Llamado Amazonía”, the new edition from Copé Ediciones. The event will take place at the recently inaugurated "San Agustín Cultural Center", located at the corner of Moore and Bermúdez, at 8 p.m. Admission is free and the work will be given to each one of the participants.

This third volume, from the series of the same title, offers multidisciplinary research that allows to identify the visions of the Amazon as a territory of cultural unity, despite the physical and human diversity that characterizes it.

The work is composed of 24 new texts that address the complex concept of the "Amazon place" and are the new contribution of this third volume, which promises to significantly complement the knowledge already disclosed in previous deliveries. This effort also includes a dissemination plan that includes a visit to the different cities of our jungle, taking our actions and cultural commitments with the populations of the region.

It should be noted that this presentation is part of the celebrations for the International Book Day, on April 23, a commemoration celebrated worldwide to promote reading, the publishing industry and the protection of intellectual property through the copyright.

PETROPERU, with these contributions, strengthens knowledge, debate and reflection looking for a vision of the Amazon from an analytical perspective. For the presentation of the work, the renowned archaeologist and compiler Aldo Bolaños Baldassari will arrive in Iquitos. Also, he has been invited to share his appreciations and comments with the well-known writer, historian and journalist Luis Tafur Rengifo. Weeks ago, the book was presented in Pucallpa with great success.

In this way, PETROPERÚ contributes to communicate the study and proposals on the development and culture of the Peruvian Amazon, seeking to raise awareness about the need to promote the progress of the Peruvians who inhabit it.
