PETROPERU presented the winning works of the 2018 Copé award at the University of Piura

As part of its Cultural Policy, PETROPERU presented to the Piura public the winning works of the literary contest 2018 Copé Award, VI Biennial of Essay and XX Biennial of Short Story, in the auditorium of the University of Piura.
The representative of PETROPERU, Ariel Barreto, commented that the Copé Award is a contest promoted by the Company since 1979, which for its prestige and importance occupies a preponderant place and is considered the most important award in the country in the field of Literature.
In this sense, the cultural activity was attended by university students, teachers, different authorities of the house of studies and representatives of important institutions of the city of Piura.
The winning work of the Copé de Oro essay category: “Adagio. Crítica del presente desde una ciencia melancólica” by Ciro Alegría Varona, was commented by the professor and also writer Crisanto Pérez, doctor in Hispanic Literature from the University of Navarra. While the renowned writer Cronwell Jara was in charge of the presentation of "La Piel fría y los cuentos ganadores y finalistas de la XX Bienal de Cuento."
Also present was the winner of the story category, Stuart Flores, who encouraged attendees to write and take this activity as a job, with their own organization, schedules and deadlines. In addition, he highlighted PETROPERU's commitment to promote and disseminate literature and urged other institutions to bet on this artistic discipline.
After the presentation, copies of the winning books were delivered to the audience, which then participated in the signing of copies of the volume with the winning stories.