PETROPERU presented the winning books of the Copé Award at the FIL Lima 2018

As part of PETROPERU's commitment to support and disseminate culture, the winners of the Copé 2017 Award were presented at the 23rd Lima International Book Fair (FIL LIMA) 2018.
The novel "El laberinto de los endriagos" by Hugo Yuen, and the poetry collection " Colección privada o los colores ocultos de la turbación" by Marco Antonio Quijano, were commented by their own authors and analyzed by the literary critic Ricardo González Vigil and the writer Carme Ollé, respectively. The event was held in the José María Arguedas auditorium.
They were also presented " La noche y su sombra" by Ernesto Zumarán; " Bajo la mancha azul del cielo" of Alejandro Susti, works that occupied the second and third place, respectively; and Anthology of poems of the Honorable Mentions and Finalists of the XVIII Biennial of Poetry.
The renowned literary critic and jury of the Copé de Novela Prize, Ricardo González Vigil, described the work of Hugo Yuen as one of the most important novels of the decade and highlighted the fact that it is one of the few literary works that takes place in Madre de Dios.
For her part, the poet Carmen Ollé, highlighted the ability of Marco Quijano to capture the essence of the painter Vincent Van Gogh, from a different point of view, transferring the meaning of his work to poetry. She also commented on the winning works of the Silver Copé, Bronze Cope and the honorable mentions in the Poetry Category.
After the presentation, discount coupons were given to the attendees for the selected works, who in turn formed lines so that these editions are autographed by the authors themselves.
The Copé Prize literary contest and the publications of the winning works are part of PETROPERU's cultural policy to promote intellectual production, access to education and intercultural citizenship developed by the Company since 1979.
The Copé Prize is organized in story and essay biennials (even years) as well as poetry and novels (odd years). Due to its prestige and importance, this competition occupies a preponderant place in the history of national literature. Since its creation, it has been one more expression of PETROPERU's corporate social responsibility.