PETROPERÚ present in the National Museum of Peru

As part of its constant and permanent work for the cultural promotion and the revaluation of history in our country, PETROPERÚ will sponsor the production of temporary exhibitions that will be launched by the National Museum of Peru (MUNA), encouraging the development of education and reading. of students and the general public.
The brand new museum, located in the district of Lurín and recently inaugurated as part of the activities for the national bicentennial, will offer -from July to December- a series of programs that include the projection of music and dance shows, as well as temporary exhibitions, where the state company will have an important role, as a sponsor.
It should be noted that, since it is in PETROPERÚ's area of influence, due to its proximity to the Conchán Refinery, the MUNA has been included in the school visits program carried out by the company, especially minors from the Villa El Salvador and Lurín districts.
All these activities are part of the cultural policy and the permanent commitment of the state company to establish spaces that contribute to reinforcing the advancement of culture in our country, especially in a year in which we celebrate the national bicentennial.
The MUNA will be open to the public from Tuesday, July 27, during visiting hours from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. at 4:30 p.m. and completely free of charge. More information at the following link: