PETROPERU prepares to celebrate Ilo Week

The port city will soon celebrate 49 years of its foundation and PETROPERU will join the day of activities that the Provincial Municipality of Ilo has been preparing for that reason. This announcement was made by Tomás Flores Noriega, assistant manager of Social Development of the Company, during a new meeting with the members of the Dialogue Table that was held today in that port.
During the session, Flores Noriega confirmed that the oil company will provide – as on previous occasions – all its support for the activities to be carried out during "Ilo Week", which includes cultural and social activities, as well as a day of entertainment.
The official also announced that PETROPERU is finalizing details with the company that will train environmental monitors within the framework of the Participatory Environmental Monitoring Program, which will be carried out as part of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the new Ilo Terminal, a modern first level in construction and that will supply liquid fuels to the southern region of the country.
Likewise, the rehabilitation project of Calle Argentina is being coordinated with the Municipality, as part of the fulfillment of the commitments made by PETROPERU with said municipality.
Visit to school for children with different abilities
At the end of the day, and within the framework of PETROPERU's Social Management Plan, officials of the oil company visited the Special Basic Education Center "Corazón de Jesús" in Ilo, where more than 60 students receive personalized education.
The tour, which was carried out jointly with councilors of the Provincial Municipality, allowed getting to know a little more about the work that takes place in that educational institution, which serves children in initial, primary and secondary levels. In this regard, there is a plan to develop a program to strengthen the capacities of teachers and rehabilitation technicians, as well as parents to provide better care for the needs of their children.