PETROPERÚ participated in the seminar "Proposals for the development of the Amazon"

With expectation and confidence, the seminar on local development proposals was developed for the communities of Condorcanqui and Imaza, in the Amazonas and Datem del Marañón, Manseriche and Urarinas regions, in Loreto, within the framework of the Program for Social Advocacy and Government Articulation, organized by PETROPERÚ and the Continental University.
In the days of free access for the public, there were presentations by José Álvarez, General Director of Biological Diversity of the Ministry of the Environment; Walter Heredia, Director of Technical Cooperation of the Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Ismael Vega, Director of the Amazon Center for Anthropology and Practical Application (CAAAP).
The panels included the participation of Héctor Requejo, Mayor of the Municipality of Condorcanqui; Natalí Durand, Professor at the University of San Marcos; Íñigo Maneiro, official of the Peru Ecuador Binational Plan; Lline Linares Rojas, Mayor of the district Municipality of Urarinas; Jorge Mendoza, Coordinator of the Ombudsman's Office; Beatriz Alva, Manager of Public Relations and Social Management of PETROPERÚ; Gabriel Granda, Supervisor of Government Articulation of PETROPERÚ and Carlos Figueroa, Head of the Advocacy and Government Articulation Program of the Continental University.
The seminar, developed on three dates, allowed to contribute proposals and conclusions that will serve as a guide for the local governments of these areas, where -according to one of the conclusions reached- it was determined that there is a lack of information and knowledge about the Amazon, which leads to conclude that concrete and effective measures are urgently needed in search of Amazonian development.
Ideas and proposals related to the reinforcement of productive activities, food security with diversification and territorial organization with legal and regional security were also addressed. A core issue was related to intercultural health, through a vaccination program and a comprehensive plan to close gaps.
The next activities of the Program of Social Advocacy and Government Articulation will be oriented to continue with the second stage of the bilateral meetings with the ministries still pending; inter-learning meetings and in the consolidation of the roadmap that seeks the full development of these remote regions of our Amazon.