PETROPERU participated in the I Corporate Social Responsibility Forum

PETROPERU participated in the First International Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility - FIRSE, organized by the National University of San Marcos and sponsored by PETROPERU.
The activity, held from November 13 to 15 in the Auditorium of the Department of Administrative Sciences of the UNMSM, had the participation of national and international experts, who addressed the role of corporate social responsibility and its contribution to sustainable development, the education and the vision of the country.
The Corporate Manager of Social Management and Communications, Beatriz Alva Hart, shared her experience in charge of the Company's social management, where she highlighted the actions that have been carried out with the work of clearing and Early Warning in the Right of Way of the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP), in alliance with neighboring communities. "PETROPERU continues with the effort to rebuild the relationship with the neighboring populations to the ONP and maintain the existing climate of social peace," she said. Also, the actions articulated with the local government in favor of the development of Talara, among other projects.
The objective of the event was to establish a shared vision of CSR in our country and generate lines of work for the coming years. This way, a space for the exchange of experiences between academia, companies and the State has been established to coordinate efforts to benefit sectors that require support.