
PETROPERU opens FOSSIL exposure in the Grau House Museum

PETROPERU opens FOSSIL exposure in the Grau House Museum

PETROPERU, continuing with its activities of communication and promotion of culture, will make available to the public of Piura the exhibition "FOSIL. Una visión del Perú hace 200 millones de años” (A vision of Peru 200 million years ago)”, which will be inaugurated tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21 at the Grau House Museum, located at Tacna Street No. 662, Piura. The income is free.

The curator, Aldo Alván, will be in charge of the assembly of the exhibition that aims to explore the implicit value that fossils have for the understanding of the Earth, its formation, its resources and its possibilities. And on that, make a retrospective on the origins and reflect on the fundamentals of the hydrocarbon industry.

From the stage of scientific research, PETROPERU set out to explore the meaning of fossilized specimens of invertebrates. For this, he went to the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (INGEMMET) in order to present a first exhibition held in Lima last year.

In that sense, and always within the framework of our Cultural Management Policy, a new delivery of this exhibition is now being presented in the city of Piura, always with the support of INGEMMET. This as part of the itinerant dissemination of advances in scientific research to its stakeholders in order to expand knowledge of the subject.

On this occasion, the exhibition is focused on the north of the country, a favorable scenario to show the richness of this resource in the important scenario of the fossil map of Peru. For this, it is also available with the collaboration of the Institute of Paleontology of the National University of Piura.

As for the assembly of FOSIL, it has the support of the Navy of Peru, through the Command of the Naval Zone, which kindly gave the Temporary Rooms of the Grau House Museum for this exhibition that will go until the 28th of June.
