PETROPERÚ offered a free music workshop to children from Piura

Within the framework of its cultural management, PETROPERÚ organized a unique Music Workshop, aimed at minors between 8 and 16 years old in the province of Sechura, in the Piura region, offering them the possibility of training in the practice of musical instruments such as the guitar, the piano and the recorder.
The workshop, directed by the professor Virgilio Eche Morales, former director of the Sechura Youth Symphony Orchestra for the World, was developed virtually, achieving the learning of students who maintained their attendance at all classes, until the end of the day.
The learning was developed through songs, stories and games. In addition to dealing with conceptual topics such as musical history, theory and musical language, the recognition of instruments and the introduction to musical notes.
For the teacher, this experience has been, he said, very motivating. "The children had a great performance and took full advantage of the virtual workshop, adopting a high commitment to participation with the support of their parents," he specified while ensuring that days like this stimulate sensitivity and expressive communication skills, strengthening self-esteem and contributing to the integral formation of the person.
He added that during the classes a great potential for music was evident, which will lead the little ones to continue their interest in continuing to learn. Both the teacher and the students expressed their appreciation to the company for the opportunity to learn and learn a musical instrument.
It should be noted that despite the limitations presented by the health emergency, PETROPERÚ keeps its spaces open to disseminate and transmit culture to the various audiences of its various operations.