Petroperú narrative workshop

Cultural activities in Petroperú do not stop and this month the state company will offer its Narrative Workshop "We are made of history", by the writer and teacher Rocío Uchofen.
Through four sessions, to begin next Monday 7, it will seek to motivate -the public over 18 years old- creative skills and provide technical skills in literary work. Each day, which will last on November 14, 21 and 28, will take place via Zoom, starting at 6pm.
The workshop will not only examine the different ways of telling a story, seeking to expose the construction and characterization of characters, but also seeks to provide students with some guidelines to focus on the process of literary communication. Each session will last two hours, which will include -in the first part- theory and -in the second- practice.
It should be noted that Rocío Uchofen studied Linguistics and Literature at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and has lived in the United States for more than two decades, where she is permanently involved with letters, especially leading workshops and developing literary projects.
In this way, Petroperú continues to develop its cultural policy, seeking to promote interest through its different expressions, in this case lyrics and narrative.