
PETROPERU monitors situation of its operations after earthquake

PETROPERU monitors situation of its operations after earthquake

Due to the occurrence of an earthquake with itss epicenter in the North Jungle of the country, PETROPERU informs the public:

  1. Immediately after the earthquake occurred, the Company personnel began the evaluation of possible damage to the infrastructure of its operations in the national territory, since it has shifts 24 hours a day, seven days a week to keep the refineries running. and the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP).
  2. In the case of the Talara Refinery, there has been a minor leakage in a dock pipeline, which has already been controlled with the support of the Harbor Master's Office and the incidents are being reported to the supervising and inspection bodies.
  3. In relation to the Conchán and Iquitos refineries, as well as in the sales plants, no damages have been reported, maintaining normal operations.
  4. The operation of the ONP is being monitored without observing situations of risk so far. However, having detected some damage in Station 1, as a preventive measure and to carry out the corresponding evaluations, the pumping of Section I has been suspended.
  5. At the same time, land patrols are being carried out to verify the integrity of the ONP pipeline along its entire route to the Bayóvar terminal.
  6. PETROPERU will continue to report the results of these actions.
