
PETROPERU makes a commitment to transparency, efficciency and socioenvironmental sustainability

Carlos Paredes Lanatta assumes the Presidency of the Board of Directors of the state company
PETROPERU makes a commitment to transparency, efficciency and socioenvironmental sustainability

The economist Carlos Paredes Lanatta stated that his management will start with a "change in direction" that will stand out for its transparency, economic efficiency, social responsibility, environmental sustainability and good corporate governance. This was stated during the ceremony of assumption of functions as President of the Board of PETROPERU.

In the ceremony held in the auditorium of the state company, the Minister of Energy and Mines, Francisco Ísmodes; the Vice Minister of Hydrocarbons, Eduardo Guevara; the Vice Minister of Economy, Michel Canta; the Deputy Minister of Environment, Gabriel Quijandría, members of the Committee of Energy and Mines of the Congress of the Republic, the former head of the PCM and Congressman of the Republic, César Villanueva, among other officials and representatives of public and private institutions, were in attendance.

The ceremony began with the greeting of the holder of the Energy and Mines portfolio, who supported the management initiated by Paredes Lanatta in PETROPERU. "We are sure that his experience will be a great contribution to the strengthening of this important institution and with it contribute, without any doubt, with the strengthening of the hydrocarbons sector in our country," added Ísmodes, who also welcomed the incorporation of Raúl Pérez-Reyes, former Minister of Production into the Board of Directors.

Paredes Lanatta stated that PETROPERU will continue to maintain its role of ensuring the supply of quality fuels at competitive prices throughout the national territory. For this, he urged workers to be efficient, offering competitive products and services.

He indicated that the negotiations required to face the problems that are delaying the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT) will be conducted with transparency. Likewise, the investments required to provide the necessary maintenance and safety to the North Peruvian Pipeline, an essential asset that ensures the development of the oil industry in the Amazon, will continue. All this, reported in a timely manner to the corresponding agencies.

The new head of the Board of PETROPERU stated, in addition, that the state company will continue moving forward to progressively return to the exploitation of oil. "We are returning to the upstream with the exploitation of Lot 64 and, soon, with Lot 192. This in association with the private company, which has the capital and the know how to do it".

He also noted that the company is evaluating forms of association with private actors to participate in the retail fuel market, ruling out PETROPERU's direct investment in the purchase of stations.

Paredes Lanatta indicated that PETROPEU will maintain a permanent and respectful dialogue with its various stakeholders and that it will become a strategic ally of the communities, articulating efforts and public funds that contribute to improving their quality of life.

He stressed that the mechanism of works for taxes will be one of the main tools that PETROPERU will promote for the benefit of the populations adjacent to their operations in the Amazon.

"We want PETROPERU not to be just a big company in sales, but to make it a great company."

About the President

Paredes Lanatta holds a Ph.D. in Economics (Ph.D.) from Yale University (USA). He also holds a Master's Degree in International Economics and Development from the same University, and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the Universidad del Pacífico. He has worked as a consultant in Peru and abroad in the economic and financial, fishing and energy fields. In the public sector, he has served as Chief of Staff of Advisers of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and, on multiple occasions, as a consultant to the Ministry of Production.
