PETROPERU launches its virtual Copé library

As part of its Cultural Policy, PETROPERU has launched its Virtual Copé Library, with which the public of Peru and the world will have free access to the most recent publications of the Copé publishing seal. The works available to date are:
- 20 Cuentos de Oro, collection of the winning stories of the 20 biennials of this literary genre recognized with the Copé Award, which PETROPERU has organized since 1979. At the same time, it offers a representative compilation of the genre in the country, with works by Wáshington Delgado, Julio Ortega, Óscar Colchado, Cronwell Jara, Luis Enrique Tord, Eduardo Paz Esquerre, Luis Nieto Degregori, Yuri Vásquez, Carlos Schwalb, Fernando Iwasaki, José de Piérola, Gregorio Martínez, Luis Alfredo Espinoza Aguilar, Selenco Vega, Pedro Ugarte Valdivia, Daniel Amayo, Christ Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Johann Page, Santiago Merino Acevedo and Stuart Flores. Mario Vargas Llosa has pointed out - in connection with this commemorative publication of the forty years of the Copé Awards - that they have recognized literary excellence and encouraged the efforts of young writers.
- Amazonas Ruta Milenaria, Volume I. First installment of this series of studies on the Peruvian Amazon. It exposes the function of social and economic articulation of the great Amazon basin and how it made viable, on the one hand, the original forms of the ancient American settlement at least fourteen millennia ago and, on the other hand, the emergence of the important and singular civilizations and towns that inhabited it until the 16th century.
- Amazonas Ruta Milenaria, Volume II. In this second installment, it is proposed to reflect on the construction of the Amazon territory, the various manifestations that it has had over time and the role that rivers and forests have played in them.
- Four compilations with the works produced in the literary workshops dictated by Marco García Falcón (Berrinche literario, short stories), Óscar Limache (En un principio and La punta del iceberg, poems) and Percy Galindo (Un acercamiento a la composición de la novela).
- Pueblos y Culturas del Perú Antiguo. Introductory chapter of this fundamental work of Peruvian historiography and archeology, written by Luis Guillermo Lumbreras. Reference text par excellence and a fundamental reference in the training of Americanists around the world. The work was expanded and updated by its author.
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