Petroperú launches call for the 2023 Copé Award

Petroperú invites Peruvians residing in Peru and abroad to participate in the XXI Biennial of Poetry and IX Biennial of Novels "Premio Copé 2023", which recognizes the best of literary creation in the country, seeking to promote new writers.
To participate, those interested must present their work —in an unprecedented way— in PDF format and under a pseudonym, and enter it online on the contest website:
In this space you will be able to know the bases of the contests called, the registration form and all the information related to this year's literary contest in the poetry and novel categories. The call for tenders closes on September 1, 2023.
The qualifying jury for each category will be made up of a representative from each of the following institutions: Peruvian Academy of Language, Ministry of Culture, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Petroperú. The results of the contest will be announced in December 2023.
Copé Award
The Copé Award is a literary contest organized and promoted by Petroperú since 1979, constituting the most important literary awards in the country. This 2023 celebrates 44 years of constant promotion and dissemination of Peruvian literature throughout the country.
The winning works are published under the Ediciones Copé label and are distributed to public and private libraries nationwide.