PETROPERÚ is recognized for its work in responsible business conduct

In the first edition of the Program for Recognition of Responsible Business Conduct (CER), created by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM), in coordination with the National Society of Mining, Oil and Energy (SNMPE), PETROPERÚ was recognized as one of the three companies with the best performance in the implementation of the Mechanism for Attention to Complaints and Social Claims, which complies with the main international standards on the matter, counting on a procedure of the highest technical level and incorporating the human rights approach.
Through this program, a total of 12 companies that have practices that stand out in the mining-energy sector have been recognized in the areas: implementation of complaints and claims systems, participatory environmental monitoring, measurement of project impacts and due diligence in human rights.
PETROPERÚ stood out in the field of complaints and claims systems, being the first state company that, thanks mainly to its experience in the Pipeline and Talara operations, is a leader in social management practices, with its Mechanism for Attention to Complaints and Social Claims.
The CER Recognition highlights PETROPERÚ's contribution in promoting responsible behavior in social, environmental and business matters, among others, reinforcing its arduous function of channeling and addressing, in a timely, adequate and efficient manner the concerns, complaints and claims of its groups of employees. interest, thus generating greater confidence towards the Company. Likewise, it places PETROPERÚ at the highest level in terms of social management.
The virtual day of recognition was attended by the head of the Energy and Mines portfolio, Jaime Gálvez Delgado, who congratulated PETROPERÚ's effort to develop a system aimed at preventing social conflicts, managing in a timely manner the controversies that may arise with the surrounding communities. "This is a sign of the company's commitment to continue working for and for the development of the country," he said.
"We know how challenging the hydrocarbon activity is and, even more so, the complexity in providing attention to various situations, hence the work of these companies committed to sustainable development deserves to be highlighted," he said.
It should be noted that there were more than 30 companies in the mining, hydrocarbons, and energy sectors that participated in the technical evaluation process of the CER Recognition. The selected practices are part of the MINEM digital publication, which highlights that “the three companies selected in the area of complaints and claims handling mechanism operate in the social contexts with the greatest challenges for the mining and energy industry in the country, and despite the fact that their selection is due to technical criteria, we consider that it is no coincidence that precisely these companies have taken the development of their complaints and claims mechanisms to technical levels, and institutional support, of the highest level”.