Petroperú inaugurates Entrepreneurship Fair in Talara

The event will run until Sunday the 17th and brings together more than 100 microentrepreneurs from Pariñas and La Brea – Negritos.
Petroperú inaugurated the Entrepreneurship Fair in the Plaza Grau of the oil city, within the framework of the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the Talara Tourism Week, with the participation of more than 100 entrepreneurs from said province.
Until next Sunday, the public will be able to access - free of charge - the products on sale and, in this way, promote different business initiatives in: marine crafts, gastronomy, pastries, pastries and crafts, among others.
Likewise, attendees will be able to enjoy an attractive information space about the New Talara Refinery, the different social initiatives (in health, education, environmental protection, empowerment, infrastructure and strengthening of productive capacities) executed during its construction stage, as well as the main services of the Information and Citizen Participation Office- OIPC, as well as a family area for the registration of photographs for souvenirs.
Women with Energy
It should be noted that since 2017, Petroperú has trained nearly 400 Talara women in technical-productive workshops and implemented 11 formal businesses, which had initial financing provided by the company and which now allow them to generate their own income and contribute up to 30% to their family income.
Currently, 80 women from Pariñas and La Brea-Negritos are training at Senati in cooking, baking and pastry, with plans to finish their courses next December.
This initiative is part of the social commitments assumed in the Local Development Support Program of the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project and the Community Relations Plan of Lot I.