
Petroperú implements school and public libraries in Talara

Presentation of works by Ediciones Copé was carried out in nine public educational institutions and three municipal and community libraries.
Petroperú implements school and public libraries in Talara

With the aim of promoting reading and fostering knowledge about the country's history among schoolchildren, teachers and residents of Talara, Petroperú delivered more than a thousand books from Ediciones Copé to nine public educational institutions, three municipal libraries and a community library.

Among the copies delivered for the benefit of Talara locals are works by authors with renowned careers such as César Vallejo and Manuel Gonzales Prada. Likewise, there are also valuable titles such as The History of Ancient Peru, Amazonas Ruta Milenaria, E Cuento Peruano and the winning works of the Copé Award.

The books have been delivered to the authorities of the educational institutions Coronel FAP Víctor Maldonado Begazo, Ignacio Merino, 15508 Domingo Savio, Emblemática 15513, Politécnico Alejandro Taboada, 15510 José Gálvez Egúsquiza, La Inmaculada and José Pardo y Barreda.

The copies will also be available to the public in the "Hildebrando Castro Pozo" libraries of Pariñas and Rodolfo Sánchez Torres of La Brea - Negritos, as well as the library of the communal premises of the Pilar Nores settlement, in the Southern Cone of the city.

The representatives of the municipal, community and school libraries thanked Petroperú for its commitment to promoting reading in the student population and thus in education in the oil province.

In this way, Petroperú reaffirms its commitment to continue providing access to Ediciones Copé publications in different educational institutions and public libraries in the country in line with its Cultural Policy and commitments to the promotion and promotion of culture and art.