PETROPERU helps provide oxygen for the care of COVID-19 patients from native communities in Loreto

PETROPERU has started aiding in the supply of oxygen for the Datem del Marañón Health Network, located in the town of San Lorenzo, the capital of that province of Loreto and the only health center that serves the native communities of that remote area of the country, several of them adjacent to the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP).
On June 25, the state oil company began the transfer of 48 oxygen balloons from San Lorenzo to the city of Iquitos so that they can be recharged at the Oxygen Plant in that city and will then be responsible for their return to that town of origin. This support will be carried out initially for a period of 20 days to keep the San Lorenzo health center supplied with oxygen balloons for patients who require it.
It should be noted that all the sanitary measures and technical specifications required for the care and protection of oxygen balloons have been considered; those that have a crucial role in the health care of the districts of Datem del Marañón.
This activity supports and complements the actions taken by the Loreto Regional Government and local municipalities to confront the pandemic. Likewise, the state oil company coordinates exhaustively with local governments and DIRESA to optimize aid and contribute to the care of the most vulnerable populations.
The support in the transportation for the loading and recharging of oxygen balloons between San Lorenzo and Iquitos is carried out as part of the PETROPERU Social Management Plan, today focused on supporting communities and health centers in the ONP's area of influence in its fight against Covid-19, which is consistent with the Company's long line of work in health care for the communities and towns near its operations.
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