Petroperú has been attending contingencies registered in Lot 192

Given the information that has been spreading on social networks about contingencies in Lot 192, Petroperú specifies the following:
- Following the signing of the License Agreement for the Exploitation of Hydrocarbons in Lot 192 on February 28, Petroperú has been developing pre-operational activities that include verification of the status of the facilities, road maintenance, logistics implementation; patrimonial security, conditioning of camps, among others.
- As part of the routine surveillance work at the facilities, the same ones that have remained paralyzed for the last three years, a crude oil leak was found in one of the valves of the San Jacinto battery on March 21, due to the lack of maintenance during the designated shutdown period.
- Immediately, Petroperú and its contractors activated the Contingency Plan, which contemplated the immediate placement of a clamp to contain the leak, as well as the installation of containment barriers in the Piedras Negras ravine.
- In this sense, the company rules out the versions in which it is indicated that the aforementioned contingency is not being addressed due to budgetary issues.
- On the other hand, Petroperú reports that after being alerted on April 4, a new contingency was found in the same area, caused by two intentional cuts to the pipelines that are in parallel, at the entrance to Junction 1A - San Jacinto.
- Faced with this situation, Petroperú has been coordinating with the representatives of the Doce de Octubre community, who request that all cleanup work in the affected areas be carried out by the Econadoct community company and not by any other contractor company.
- It should be noted that these latest incidents have occurred in areas where spills have previously been recorded, when Lot 192 was managed by other operators, so it is important to mention that there are environmental liabilities in the aforementioned areas.
- Petroperú, as the new operator of Lot 192, ratifies its respect for the communities and the environment, as well as its commitment to develop its operational activities within the framework of the commitments assumed and compliance with current regulations.