PETROPERÚ guarantees the safe supply of natural gas to southern Peru

PETROPERÚ ratified its commitment to continue guaranteeing the safe supply of natural gas in the Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna regions, after completing the first year of the assignment it received from the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) for the administration of the gas distribution system native of the southwest, through Supreme Decree No. 029-2020.
During this first year, PETROPERÚ has continued to supply natural gas to almost 13,000 families, businesses and industries in southwestern Peru, without any rationing despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and contingencies such as the shutdown of almost a month for repairs at the Peru LNG Liquefaction Plant and the various strikes by truckers and farmers along the Pan-American highway.
"We have a clear vision that in the near future PETROPERÚ will become a relevant actor to contribute to the massification of natural gas for social welfare purposes, not only in the Peruvian southwest, but also in other areas of the country where we are commissioned", said the Corporate Gas Manager of the state company, William Farías Gallo, recalling that the MINEM commission for gas distribution in the southwest is for three consecutive years in which the state company will continue to comply efficiently.
The official reported that during PETROPERÚ's administration significant savings have been generated through renegotiations of contracts in infrastructure and logistics, in addition to improving customer service standards and emergency control. On the other hand, the consumption of natural gas by the industrial sector has increased.
PETROPERÚ reminded customers of the natural gas service in the southwest that they have the following numbers for Emergency Service (1808) and Customer Service (0801 14441), as well as the following email for inquiries and requests: