PETROPERÚ guarantees fuel supply in the Amazon

PETROPERÚ supplies fuel to the Peruvian jungle despite the damage caused by the November 28 earthquake to the Fernando Belaunde highway in Amazonas, which affects the transfer of fuel from Talara to the Tarapoto and Yurimaguas sales plants.
For this, PETROPERÚ is taking the following immediate actions:
- The supply to the disaster area will be carried out from the Tarapoto Sales Plant, considering that the access roads to and from the El Milagro and Eten plants are interrupted.
- For this, the Tarapoto Plant will attend extended hours every day, including Sundays.
- Ten 90 octane gasoline tanker trucks that are in transit to Pucallpa were diverted to change their destination to Tarapoto. His arrival is estimated for tomorrow, Friday, December 3 at night.
- 70 tanker trucks were assigned to transfer products (diesel, 90 octane gasoline and 84 octane gasoline) from the Conchán Plant to the Tarapoto Plant, which will begin to arrive at said plant as of Sunday, December 5, in groups of five to nine trucks. cistern per day, on average.
- Yurimaguas Sales Plant has 8,000 barrels (330,000 gallons) of diesel to be unloaded from a barge. Additionally, another barge with 8,000 barrels (330,000 gallons) of 84 octane gasoline from the Iquitos Refinery is in transit, which is expected to arrive on Monday, December 6.
- Meetings are being held with the Ministry of Energy and Mines, through the General Directorate of Hydrocarbons, to request the exceptions and/or approvals necessary to facilitate the commercialization of diesel in the affected areas of Amazonas and San Martín, for the duration of the State of emergency.
In this way, PETROPERÚ guarantees the supply of fuels to the Peruvian jungle despite the temporary closure of land routes due to the earthquake in the Amazon, developing a transport and logistics effort at the national level to meet the requirements of this vast region of the country.